2. One to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the light bulb needs to be changed;
3. One to blame Clinton for burning out the light bulb;
4. One to arrange the invasion of a country rumored to have a secret stockpile of light bulbs;
5. One to give a billion dollar no-bid contract to Halliburton for the new light bulb;
6. One to arrange a photograph of Bush, dressed as a janitor, standing on a step ladder under the banner: Light Bulb Change Accomplished;
7. One administration insider to resign and write a book documenting in detail how Bush was literally in the dark;
8. One to viciously smear #7;
9. One surrogate to campaign on TV and at rallies on how George Bush has had a strong light-bulb-changing policy all along;
10. And finally one to confuse Americans about the difference between screwing a light bulb and screwing the country.
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!TAKE #2: How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?Actually, even with all these people the job could not be done.
They would just say that %26quot;they don't recall%26quot; how to do it, but they have a memo somewhere, they thi-ink.
.TAKE #2: How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?Thank you for choosing mine as the best answer.
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TAKE #2: How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?hee hee heeand poor mrfeelsgood can only retaliate with a cut and paste rant-fest that doesn't even relate to the question. I think he just made himself item # 11
LOL!TAKE #2: How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?Mrfeelsgreat...............DITTO!TAKE #2: How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?Even better than the first one!TAKE #2: How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?I believe you described the normal Washington procedure for getting any thing done.TAKE #2: How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?You should send this to Letterman.TAKE #2: How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?None. They delegate this to maintenance. See they are creating jobs. Then, you left wing wackos hate Bush and cheering the USA Enemies to victory.TAKE #2: How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?damn, that's funny - but they outsourced the lightbulb company to ChinaTAKE #2: How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?That was a good question, but honestly you should think these things through, The first person ripped you a new one.
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