A- None. They've never seen the light so they don't believe it exists.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?Q: How many Christians does it take to change a light bulb?
A: They never will -- they're too busy praying for mercy from the darkness and will thwap anyone who interrupts.
Q: How many atheists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: They never will -- they're too busy exploring the nature of a contained space-time without photonic matter and will thwap anyone who interrupts.
Q: How many agnostics does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One -- who then wonders why everyone's thwapping the heck out of him!Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?Not even remotely funny. I see light every time I go outside.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?I have sufficient evidence for the existence of both light and lightbulbs.
You have failed.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?How many closet gay cowboys does it take to change a light bulb?
None. They can pretend it's a woman in the dark.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?One. Just hold the bulb in its socket and watch theists screw up the world around you.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?*Flicks light switch* Ta Da. There is light.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?A- None. I have Christian slaves to do it for me. :)Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?The funny thing is, you're using and example (light bulb and electricity) that was at one point considered demonic.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?Did it take you all day to come up with that one?Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?foolish cowboy....cowboy is foolish...Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?What are you going to do? Pray for a new lightbulb? Idiot.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?Q - How many creationists does it take to change a light bulb?
A - None. They don't believe in scientific principles so how could they believe in light bulbs?
See how stupid that sounds?Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?Wow. That just changed my life. Praise Jayzis.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?So you are saying God is a light bulb? Genius, then God does exist, but only came to existence after humans invented him.
I can agree with that!Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?You must have fallen on your head, and seen stars.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?::facepalm::Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?How many Christians does it take to be a jerk. Answer: 1. They, like you, are all jerks.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?How many christians does it take to change a light bulb?
They'll never have it changed, they're waiting for god to do it for them.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?I estimate this will get deleted in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.5.... uh 5 4 3 2 1... uh 3...2........ooonnnee.... UGGGHHHHQ- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?10,000.
One to change the bulb and 9,999 to fend off the creationist hordes who are trying to plunge the world into another Dark Age.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?I laughed, but then I cried.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?I've seen %26quot;the light%26quot; if you mean had to be a christian. D U L L and stupid. Lights are more attractive when you're not insane..Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?Was your point here to insult atheists for any particular reason or just on general principles? Why would you want to do that? Has an atheist ever hurt you personally or caused you a problem in your life? Or do you always try to insult people for no real reason other then that they don't agree with your world view?
Doesn't this seem kind of childish to anyone else...or is it just me?Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?Too much time in the saddle must have shaken your brain out through the hole in the sole of your boot. Gravity exists but nobody has ever seen it ie- Proof of existence doesn't have to be visual.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?Considering the guy is most likely a troll trying to satire Christian ignorance, I found it funny.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?At least that makes some kind of sense. Most anti-atheist jokes I've seen are just blonde jokes with the word atheist replacing blonde.
Well done for understanding what a joke is but... it's not funny.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?Nothing can be done without god.Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?Q: How many theists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They'd prefer to live in the dark and blame the expiration of the light bulb on the decline of belief in Jesus in America.
Oh oh! C wut I did thar? :P You used light as a metaphor for God, but I used darkness as a metaphor for ignorance!Q- How Many Atheists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?The INVENTOR of the light bulb was an atheist, Einstein.
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