Friday, September 23, 2011

How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?

I know this may belong in Jokes and Riddles but I'll bet I get more answers here. Besides, I'd like an answer.How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?None, as there is no evidence that suggests that the light bulb needs to be changed.

None, because if they can't see the light bulb, it doesn't exist.

One, but they will use a energy efficient light bulb.How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?1. He or she changes the light bulb, as they know they are in charge of their own actions.

How many theists does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None. All of them are waiting for their respective gods to do it for them.How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?A really intelligent atheist wouldn't bother changing the lightbulb because due to Quantum Mechanics there's a chance the matter in the slot will materialize a lightbulb.How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?Depends on the size of the bulb...

House Globe... one atheist (or one human in general for that matter)

A gigantic 50kg globe may take a few moreHow Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?Why change it? Can't they just say it does not exist and go on with their lives?How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?Only one, and we can do it much more quickly than a Christian because we don't waste time fawning over who created the light bulb.How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?None the change will happen in time, it's called evolution, nature will find a way.How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?The answer is in the question. You only asked about one atheist. Or did you mean atheists, plural?How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?None. Atheists do not believe in light bulbs.How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?None.

They'll never see the light.How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?0

They don't believe in Light BulbsHow Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?im' con - fused''?How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?Twelvety!How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?None ..They dont believe it needs changingHow Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?Exactly the same as the number of people it takes to make non-atheists look like jerks: one.

Since you have the latter job, we shall have to look elsewhere for the atheist to change the bulb.How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?One,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but the bulb has got to want to change.How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?How many atheists does it take to change a lightbulb?

None, because they have to wait for the socket to evolve into a lightbulb.

How many theists does it take to change a lightbulb?

1, because they can acctually see the Light.How Many Atheist Does It Take to Change A Light Bulb?I shouldn't change the light bulb, believing there is a greater light than what I have now is ridiculous. Besides, I am going green and conserving energy, those light bulbs are bad for the environment because they have to burn coal to power it, unless I use the curly one, it uses less energy, still coal burning but not as much coal so I am a good person. The curly ones last much longer too so I am doing a good thing if I do change it and I can pay someone to plant a tree in Missouri and that will offset my carbon footprint, so yea for me I am so awesome.What I haven't figured out is what to do with all of the mercury that I said was bad 20 years ago but now fill the curly light bulbs with. I won't be able to landfill it in 5 years when it burns out....maybe I can blame the capitalist pigs again for the danger I have created but can project it back on them.

Maybe if they would burn hemp instead of coal we would all be much happier.
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